Tuesday, December 09, 2008

What Yoga Can Do For You

It is a simple fact - we are a nation of mostly overweight, stressed out, poor eating people. Our focus is on a supercharged lifestyle, and we are driven by making a living more than anything else.

Eventually, this catches up to us. We become ill, and lose our energy and drive. This can often happen at an early age, because when you are young you are blessed with more drive and energy than older folks. We begin to become ill and lethargic. Our ambitions and goals seem less important to us. Does this become a fact of life, or is there a solution?

Many people, when confronted with this situation, will run out and buy a membership to a gym. They will go half-heartedly, and soon that too falls by the wayside. There is a much better solution - yoga. Yoga is one of the best forms of exercise there is. It is basically low impact, because you rely on the positioning of the body to achieve results. There is no heavy lifting, endless hours on a treadmill or weight training.

Yoga will only work for you if you use the complete system. This means focusing on both the spiritual and physical sides of yoga. There are many systems - find one that works for you depending on your physical condition. As always, consult a physician when attempting any new form of exercise.

